Even before covid-19, life was challenging in a way like never before. With more and more technology in our lives, we actually have more to do, not less. With more and new stress than our human minds, bodies and hearts can handle, many feel their joy and peace just a concept. There is a term in Kundalini Yoga called cold depression. It’s very simple, when the external demands exceed the internal capacity. While it is not depression as most people think of depression it does cause people to be anxious, numb,angry and stressed out. It’s like you can’t quite put your finger on it but you know you are trapped inside the box. Unfortunately, the directions are on the outside of it. You’re not quite sure what to do about it. You can’t find that dial or lever to turn that little voice off in your head. This is where the ancient art and science of Kundalini Yoga can make a huge difference for you as it did for me.
Personally I have suffered with anxiety and depression for many years. It reached its Pinnacle after I separated and then divorced my wife about three years ago. I tried many different medications and therapies with little result. In fact, medication just made me feel sick most of the time with little or no relief. I knew I couldn’t be on meds long term. It was at this time when I found Kundalini yoga and meditation. The first yoga kriya that we’re going to learn is called Nabhi Kriya. It’s not something we think about but for the most part we have a weak naval point. We often think that we handle stress in our mind or possibly our heart. The reality is stress is dealt with at the naval point. The naval point is 3 finger widths below the belly button approximately. doing this kriya everyday for 40 days straight will change your life as it did mine. I was able to get off of benzodiazepines and depression medication over time using this kriya. I still do it every day. It’s like brushing my teeth now. I’m not going to lie the first few days will be hard as you break through but once you do it will get easier and easier. I hope that you look forward to doing it every day as I do for the benefits are very noticable and real. On the rare occasion that I miss it, I usually don’t sleep well.
Nabhi kriya will have you be unshakable in your life. Just stick with it, even when you don’t want to. You have to keep up to be kept up. I hope to see you live at one of my Zoom classes. Follow along to the class that I have recorded for you.