I found Kundalini Yoga over three and a half years ago just as my divorce was getting started. Within a few days of moving out of my marital home I experienced a tremendous wave of anxiety and depression. The thoughts and feelings were overwhelming. I went down the route of traditional Psychiatry drugs medication. I had little to no affect. I mostly just felt sick. I found the practice almost by accident or maybe it was divine intervention. There was a yoga studio down the street from me that I could see had crystal bowls in their windows. I thought sound healing might help settle me down which it did. I signed up for a 40-day introduction to the studio, they offered all kinds of yoga not just sound healing. I did restorative, meditative, Vinyasa and yin. I signed up for a Kundalini Yoga class having no idea what it was. I walked in I was wearing all black and everyone had white on. I felt a little odd and out of place. The teacher had a big turban and a beard down to his belly button. This was very different than anything I had ever done. By the end of the hour and 15 minutes session, I knew this would heal me. I have never felt like this before. Instinctively I knew it wasn’t going to be a quick fix but would be a process to rebuild my weakened immune and nervous system. Many years of a stressful marriage weakend my nervous system and my ability to handle stress. The first few months I will admit, we’re not easy but I stuck with it. Some days I wouldn’t feel so well after practicing but I knew that this was going to be part of the process. It took me awhile to get in this predicament and getting out wasn’t going to be so quick. I also had medication to get off. You can’t just stop taking your benzodiazepines and antidepressants at once or you will become very ill. I found this out the hard way. I read all the horror stories about coming off of these medications and was very concerned. I just had to trust the practice and what I found was remarkable. I’m not going to say it was easy or perfect. I felt like I had to pay the piper while stopping my last dose on both. I feel I would have been much worse.
Now I have tools I can use when I feel my stress and anxiety levels go up. I now have a daily Yoga practice which we refer to as a Sadhna. I wanted to be able to share the practice. I put myself in teacher training so I could share with others. I hope you enjoy the practice and find as much peace and healing as I did.
I put this website together for you, so that it may be a tool in your healing. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. as you’ll see on the website I use other modalities in my healing I have helped. I only suggest that you try them on like a jacket to see if they fit. If they do great and if they don’t you can take off and set it down. I think everybody is different and what works for one person may not work for another. so just take it one step at a time.